• Kommission für Alte Geschichteund Epigraphik des Deutschen Archaölogischen Instituts. Munich, 25-26 July 2019.
• Understanding the dynamics of vows in the Ancient World implies focusing on the manners in which ancient worshippers conceived their relationship to the divinities of their Pantheon. Indeed, making avow represented a privileged way for humans to get in contact with the gods and the supernatural domain. In the last years, the degree of interest on this topic has been reinvigorated by the publication of important works, which have a ddressed the issue from different perspectives. The mechanisms regulating the dialogue between individuals and gods are still a very actual topic of discussion, especiallyin light of the recent studies about the role of these individuals during the dialogue with the deities. Through this Worskhop we intend to encourage scientific debate about the practice of vowing inancient times, especially within Greek, pre-Roman and Roman culture from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
• M. J. Estarán participará con la comunicación «Translating theuotum. The religious epigraphic formula in Pre-Roman and Latin inscriptions «.